Transcript: How to Get Unstuck in Life, Resolve Inner Conflicts and Achieve Prosperity

Transcript: How to Get Unstuck in Life, Resolve Inner Conflicts and Achieve Prosperity

Welcome to the Holistic Wealth Podcast. I’m your host Keisha Blair, wife, mother of three, author of Holistic Wealth, and Founder of the Institute on Holistic Wealth. The show will showcase various experts in the key pillars of Holistic Wealth. Each week, we deliver the best information on how to become holistically wealthy and live your best life.

KEISHA BLAIR: Today we have a very special guest. Our guest is Janice Campbell and Janice is the Founder of the Receive Your Life company and the creator of the Receive Your Life system. She’s been a coach for the past 27 years and began her career professionally as a CPA and Certified Financial Planner and then transitioned into spiritual matters (like getting unstuck and resolving inner conflict), which we’ll get into in the show.

KEISHA BLAIR: Welcome Janice it’s so good to have you here.

JANICE CAMPBELL: Thank you. it’s good to be here.

KEISHA BLAIR: Great! I just wanted to start the show with just an introduction for our audience of your career journey so far and how you transitioned and how you founded your company and melded these two critical parts of Holistic Wealth. Iā€™d like to think both the finance and the spiritual aspects are two critical parts of holistic wealth, so Iā€™d love to hear about that well.

JANICE CAMPBELL: I became a CPA because I thought I could always get a job and I could have freedom and I could live wherever I wanted but then once I actually became certified, I couldn’t stand the work. it was so boring. It was so hard to just sit there and do the work. Then I started to learn about spirituality and spiritual principles, and I just loved it. I was just like oh my God, I just want to swim in this. This feels so good. This is so great. So I actually hit a wall, and I didn’t know what to do and I hired a coach and then she helped me transition into coaching. I started off with coaching people strictly with money, budgeting investing, just the nuts and bolts of money, and then it felt like that really wasn’t what was going on with people.

I mean they had so much more going on than what was happening with their money. So then I got into the spiritual aspect, and it’s like the purpose, and why are we doing what we’re doing, and how does this connect to the money and our values? I kind of swung out pretty far with the spiritual side and then I thought no, this doesn’t feel right, it needs to be more grounded. Then eventually, I ended up integrating both the practical and the spiritual principles because I don’t think you could really have what I call, ā€œsoul-satisfying successā€, unless you have both parts integrated.


KEISHA BLAIR: That’s so wise and that’s exactly why when my editor was helping me with my book Holistic Wealth, that’s exactly why we came up with the term Holistic Wealth.

JANICE CAMPBELL: I love that title. I love that title because it’s the wholeness. It doesn’t really work living compartmentalized.

KEISHA BLAIR: Absolutely! That’s so true and Iā€™ve experienced it even with overcoming tragedy and grief. You can have your finances intact and still not feel whole, like we’re all experiencing that now with COVID-19. It’s brought it home more clearly to us but before people were still living very compartmentalized. So Janice, how did you pivot into integrating the two and starting the company? I mean how did that work with getting clients and getting people to realize that this needs to be integrated or was it coming out organically through the work?

JANICE CAMPBELL: It was a slow process I have to say because it’s kind of that thing about letting go of the safety and security of the financial, the practical. It took me a while to really completely disentangle myself from the CPA work and the financial planning work because that felt like security to me. I remember my first client I charged him very little but I was just started talking about purpose, only purpose and it felt kind of scary but then I got comfortable with it over time because what I really came to understand is, we’re all the same. We are so similar, we have specific things that are unique to us, unique aspects of our gift but basically as humans we’re so similar.

So I just started really connecting with that, the humanity part, and even now, most of my work is really about the inner the consciousness. I don’t do the practical part so much anymore. It’s really focused on aligning your values (getting unstuck), really getting clear on who you are, what are you here to do, who are you here to be, what are you here to share, because when the consciousness gets lined up, then the physical takes care of itself. I mean it’s still important for people I believe to work with people to learn the financial skills that we need on the physical plane but my work is about leading with the consciousness, making sure thatā€™s shored up and aligned with the truth of who you are and then learning the physical plane. The physical plane is so much easier once we’re aligned with our true self. It’s very circular and doesn’t really deliver when we lead with the physical, the practical without our soul

KEISHA BLAIR: Yes and so I have so many questions it sounds like what you’re talking about is living in divine discontent and I want to ask you what that is? To explore that a bit and what challenges that might pose in terms of our life and living our best life you know and you mentioned the physical plane and the spiritual plane, so can you tell us a bit more about that?

JANICE CAMPBELL: Well the thing about divine discontent, I love it’s actually a very beautiful thing because it means that your soul wants to live and express more than what it is so it’s like we’re frustrated. We’re living as our compromised self, rather than our true self, which means we’re following ā€œthe shouldā€, and doing everything we think we should be doing to achieve our goals but we’re feeling something’s off. It’s that divine discontent and it’s a good thing that we’re feeling it otherwise we really wouldn’t have an awareness that there’s more life that wants to be lived and expressed through us. So a lot of times people say, oh Iā€™m so depressed, but it’s like that’s good there’s something going on there, there’s something that wants to be birthed within you that’s being thwarted.

KEISHA BLAIR: You mentioned the security part with your CPA, and that kind of work providing a security blanket and for so many people out there that’s the struggle is how do I give up the security blanket to get that alignment? So is it possible to walk us through that a bit?

JANICE CAMPBELL: The main thing is I always talk about going slower to go faster, going smaller to go bigger, because a lot of times if we want to make huge changes in our life. Usually it’s built on scarcity: ā€œoh I have to make up for all that lost timeā€, so we’re already coming from scarcity, but my work is really about figuring out who you are and living your life from the inside out. So it starts with a really simple exercise called the push-pull exercise, and all it is people have a journal and they start noticing when they feel themselves being pulled, inspired, energized, kind of like how their energy naturally flows. What they’re attracted to, and then also noticing those times when you feel constriction, like I don’t want to do this paper. I don’t want to make this phone call, you know where your body just tenses and locks up and the purpose of really getting familiar with the ā€œpush-pullsā€ is you’re learning how your energy is naturally designed to flow. You’re learning about who you are, because when we feel good, when we’re in alignment, when we feel ourselves being called forth, we’re actually living our values and we’re in integrity with ourselves, and we’re being the gift that we are and the gift that we are actually is where our prosperity comes from!

It doesn’t come from living from our ā€œcompromised selfā€ although we’re conditioned to believe that it does, like we’re going to get a payoff, once I do all this stuff. I hate eventually it’s going to pay off, but really it’s learning how to honor who you are, your essence, who you are in this lifetime, and then that connects us to our prosperity. So it’s a little bit tricky at first because it feels counterintuitive, or counter conditioning, because it feels like we’re doing something wrong, but we’re actually closer than we’ve ever been to living a prosperous and satisfying life.

KEISHA BLAIR: That’s so amazing, because you’re right, that prosperity comes from that. Is it possible to just deconstruct a bit how the prosperity comes and is it through manifestation? Is it through just being aligned more with your purpose and then you know the wealth and the physical manifest? Iā€™m just trying to give the audience a sense of what that is like.

JANICE CAMPBELL: Basically two things: We’re constantly working with on how to get really grounded and clear on your value. The gift that you are in this lifetime. So often, we have a misunderstanding of our value, and then we think we have to fix it, so it’s a combination of aligning with the truth, and then the bulk of the work we do together, is really dislodging where we have a misunderstanding of our value. So what happens is a lot of times we’ll have a belief of let’s say: Iā€™m lazy, Iā€™m not doing enough, Iā€™m not talented, Iā€™m not creative, and then we start trying to fix what we perceive as broken.

We’re on the scarcity track, so it just keeps that feedback loop, keeps increasing. It’s a combination of strengthening the truth, and dislodging the false, (inner conflict), because if you think of it like a river, we love to give, like it’s our nature to give, but we don’t want to give just anything. We want to give our true self, so that river wants to flow, and then if you imagine a big log that’s blocking the flow of that river, that’s where we’re living as our ā€œcompromised selfā€ and where we have a misunderstanding of our value, and we keep trying to fix, turn into somebody else, that’s when we say, oh Iā€™m too much this way, or Iā€™m not enough this way, or I talk too much. Iā€™m too sensitive, so we’re trying to fix, and that really keeps fixing what’s not broken, is what obstructs the flow, is what blocks our prosperity.

Yet, we live opposite, we’re like, oh as soon as I self-improve, and as soon as I work harder, and as soon as I fix all these flaws inside of me, then Iā€™m going to experience prosperity! It’s not true and there was a quote in your book Holistic Wealth that I love, I think it really speaks to this, where you said: ā€œthere’s an overwhelming sense of failure and shame that often comes along with living a different life than the one we think we’re supposed to haveā€! So we get stuck in those ā€œshouldsā€ like oh I should do what this person’s doing, or I should be like that, and that’s really what blocks our prosperity flow.

KEISHA BLAIR: You know what’s so funny Janice? I was actually just thinking about that. Thanks for highlighting that quote in Holistic Wealth, because as you were speaking, I was thinking about so many people who are told you should get that corporate job, climb the cooperate ladder, get the pension at the end of the day, go for the biggest title in your company, and you’re so right you know, it feels misaligned somehow to a lot of people who are not cut out for that or that’s just not their purpose in life and there’s this fundamental tug of war, that goes on within ourselves and our souls and you’re right. We give ourselves these messages that yeah if I only work harder, maybe I need to put out more effort. It’s not quite working the way I want to but maybe if I work harder, and maybe if I just go in and do something else, and try to do something extraordinary, I don’t know it will be different, and you’re right and it always just seems like you’re hitting a wall right? And there’s so many people out there hitting the walls and that’s what really blocks our prosperity flow. Then we turn it on ourselves like, what’s wrong with me? Why can’t it work? why can’t I be better?

JANICE CAMPBELL: And that’s the inner conflict. That’s the log jam because the truth is, we’re not going to be anybody else in this lifetime. We’re designed to be who we are, and that’s a phrase that I use a lot in this work, is you can always find your gift and your shame, so often we think what we’re ashamed of is we think that’s what we have to hide, that’s what we don’t want people to know about us, so what happens is we actually are withholding the gift that we are, and then we wonder how to get back to spiritual principles. The law of giving and receiving.  It’s like Iā€™m withholding the gift that I am and it’s like how come Iā€™m not making more money? Iā€™m working really hard. Iā€™m doing everything Iā€™m supposed to do. Why is it not paying off?

Well, because you’re not really giving your true self. You’re giving your ā€œcompromised selfā€, and so all what you’re getting back is a compromised life. So that’s a lot of what ties to the divine discontent, because we want to give that gift we’re designed to give. However, when we’re taught or conditioned to believe that people aren’t interested, or it’s not worthy, it’s actually our integrity that’s protecting people from us, that has us withholding the gift because we learned that this gift has no value, or people are not really interested in it. That’s why we withhold it, and there’s a reason for that. If you go back into when we’re born into a context, a culture, a community, a conversation, and our spiritual essence is born into that context, so if our values aligns with our families, it’s like oh great, you’re fabulous.

If our values, if our essence does not align with our familiesā€™, then we get in the oh I have to hide this to survive. They want me to be different. I should care about sports. I should be X,Y,Z. Then we that’s how we start the compromising pattern, because we’re trying to fit in, we’re trying to survive, we’re trying to do the right thing, and that’s when we start getting this belief that there’s something wrong with the way that I am. Iā€™m either too much or not enough!


KEISHA BLAIR: That’s amazing, so true and so Janice I just wanted to ask you because you mentioned the family subculture and of course it also ties into money as well, and money blocks, and kind of repeating the same money mistakes because of that subculture. I just wanted to ask you about that because of your background and if you’ve seen that with clients and how you’ve seen clients work through that?

JANICE CAMPBELL: What Iā€™ve noticed is we do money either exactly like our parents or we rebel, but very often, we haven’t really found our true authentic relationship with money. A relationship with money that reflects our values, and that’s I think why a lot of times, we have this love-hate relationship with money, because we’re ashamed. Iā€™ve noticed when I was working as a CPA, it didn’t matter how much money people had, there was so much shame around it. Theyā€™re like, oh I should be doing this, I didn’t do this right you know.

We live like there’s a mysterious money thing out there that everybody knows and we don’t know and it’s not. I think money’s not that complicated. I mean money comes in and money goes out. What’s really important is getting clear on your values and then making sure that your relationship aligns with your values. Again, that’s the only thing that’s going to be sustainable and satisfying but a lot of times we’re like, well I should care about this or I shouldn’t spend money like this, or I should value this and then we’re feeling disconnected from our money, and then it kind of gets sabotaged, because we’re not really in alignment. We’re not on the same side as our money. We have the inner conflict that we talked about earlier. We have that inner conflict going on with money, where it’s kind of like good-bad, right- wrong.  A lot of judgment, a lot of shame, and whenever we have judgment shame, we don’t have flow.

KEISHA BLAIR: So is that why people will keep repeating the same money patterns then and not break out of those patterns?

JANICE CAMPBELL: There’s kind of two things going on, because I think we have the kind of robotic money patterns, where this is the way you do money, you know like I say, so we do it like our parents. we’re kind of on automatic pilot, and then there’s a whole different thing going on when you really have a deep understanding of your values, then your relationship to money shifts. I think initially it’s very belief-driven. We’re robotic, we don’t even think we could live outside of our money beliefs, it’s kind of like that’s just the way life is. You do what you have to do.


KEISHA BLAIR: that’s amazing because one of the things, Iā€™ve been exploring of course not only through my book Holistic Wealth, but also with this Personal Financial Identities Framework that I developed, that’s coming from the book Holistic Wealth, because this pandemic has just highlighted all sorts of issues, and highlighted in every way what we need to be doing differently. So, I came up with this Framework and this free quiz, and Iā€™m so eager, Iā€™ve been so excited to hear your thinking and your thoughts about it partly because of your background, experience and your program and also the spiritual aspect of it and of course aligned with everything that we’ve been talking about so far where people repeat the same money patterns. I just wanted to get your insights on that so if you could share with us your results with us and your thoughts that would be amazing!

JANICE CAMPBELL: My result was the Minimalist and I forget exactly how I got there but I could just say I think a couple of things.  When you talk about the financial identity, you could tell if a financial identity is your ā€œcompromised selfā€, or your ā€œtrue selfā€ with money because I think we may have a financial identity that is our ā€œcompromised selfā€, that’s kind of we have a certain identity but it came from who we believe we should be, based on what we learned in our conditioning.

I think we have another financial identity that’s actually a reflection of our values and you could tell which financial identity you’re living from by the way that it feels like. If you feel constricted with your money and you feel like it’s not really fun, Iā€™m not really having a good time with my money, Iā€™m just so afraid, Iā€™m going to make mistakes and I want to stay on the straight and narrow but it’s really tight and constricted, chances are you’re trying really hard to follow the rules that you learned. If you feel like you have an expansive relationship with money, then it’s like it’s aligned with your values.

It’s funny because one thing I loved reading in your book Holistic Wealth, that was refreshing to me, I didn’t realize I had shame around it, but when I read it, was the whole thing about taking calculated risks. I have really deep faith it’s one of my values. Iā€™ve always felt a really strong connection to a source. I have a lot of freedom when I make financial decisions. I kind of feel it and Iā€™ve always felt kind of ashamed about that like you know I should be more logical, practical. So reading about you saying how it’s important to take calculated risks, in your book Holistic Wealth, it’s like oh okay but we kind of live like that, where you have these rules going on. That’s why the shame kind of creeps up on us. In my family, it was not a risk-taking family, and there was not a lot of faith, there was a lot of fear. So I always felt kind of ashamed when I got out of being a CPA, like Iā€™m doing something wrong? Iā€™m not going to survive. Iā€™m not following the money rules, and even when I was a financial planner, that rule you keep hearing , you have to have at least six months living expenses? I never had six months living expenses especially during the transition, but then it’s like oh but I should!

I shouldn’t be following this spiritual path, I should stay as an accountant so even though it was a push I was locked up, and I really wasn’t sharing the gift that I am. I still felt shame when I moved from being a CPA into more of the spiritual, and being self-employed, so it’s kind of always going on. It’s like that’s why I love the push-pulls, because it’s like a feedback. It shows you and then when you run into that constriction. You want to say what push here what’s the should shouldn’t what’s the rule that Iā€™m following you know why am I being more loyal to that rule, than Iā€™m being to my soul. Then because we’re breaking a rule, we start to make up stuff about ourselves. Iā€™m irresponsible, Iā€™m flaky you know then we get in the fix it mode, and then we’re out of the flow.

KEISHA BLAIR: You brought up so many insightful things that I just love to touch on. Firstly, you mentioned, in taking the quiz to figure out your personal financial identity, if you’re if you’re feeling constrained with the financial identity. Are you feeling abundant? Are you feeling that is your true authentic self? And that’s why I hope when people take the quiz, that they really answer it not from outer expectations, what other people expect of them, but from that inner deep soul place, where it’s just like yeah this is me, and this is what I am!

KEISHA BLAIR: So Janice, in terms of yours and being a minimalist, is that where you feel not constrained? Is that your true financial identity? And do you see it playing out in terms of your own money philosophy and even in your coaching practice and building your business as an entrepreneur?

JANICE CAMPBELL: I like the Minimalist. Iā€™m not extreme, but I like the word simplicity. That really resonates with me so that when I saw the Minimalist, it’s like oh yeah I love simplicity. I love clarity. I think of it as goldilocks, you know, not too hot, not too cold. Not too much stuff. I have what I want. I have exactly the right amount. I don’t like having an over abundance (of things). I don’t like having an under abundance. I think that it feels good just to like yes what I have in my life reflects my values. I live a simple life. I mean you know like I say I have three kids and now that they’ve grown, it’s like we just keep downsizing and it makes me happy and people say how could you move again? It’s like I don’t know it makes me happy!

It’s interesting because we’re renting. We’ve been renting since 2008 and I love it. We just moved to a farmhouse and a vineyard, and people are like where do you go from here. It’s like this feels good to me and I was talking to a friend the other day, and she says, I only can feel free when I own a house and she always laughs because I feel free not owning a house right now. Iā€™m sure someday we will decide exactly where we want to settle, there’s no right or wrong way you have to really be honest with yourself what are your values are and what feels good to you. What feeds your soul and it doesn’t matter what one person on the planet is doing.

KEISHA BLAIR: I know yeah and that’s true and I love the examples you gave to illustrate very colorful terms about your simplicity and your minimalism. I love it because my late husband was a minimalist and as you were speaking, it just came back to me, he loved that simple life. That simplicity and that simplicity of life. He didn’t want too many things and was okay with what he had and he was a CPA too. He was very good with tracking money, very good with spreadsheets, and all that stuff because he was he was a Financial Controller. It was so amazing coming up with these tendencies, with the whole framework, because I knew exactly what I was coming up with, and the types, and hearing you speak about it, I just love it. I mean all of them resonate with me. I love all of them, you know like I really do and just to hear you speak about yours and the different insights that you share, is just so amazing and so I know you coach others as well. You have clients you actually coach people to become coaches as well.

JANICE CAMPBELL: Making my transition, it was really hard, and I loved spirituality but it felt so vague, oh have faith, trust, surrender, and my practical mind was like that’s not enough for me. Iā€™m still stuck. Iā€™m not having the transformation I want to have so I really spent a long time creating this system, working closely with people, but it had to work. It had to work for me first and then I wanted a system where people could transform quickly not spend years and years in therapy, but really go right to that sweet spot of where do I have a misunderstanding of my values. Where am I trying to fix what’s not broken? Who am I this lifetime? And just to be able to get into the flow of living who they are and not having to have their life on hold.

KEISHA BLAIR: I also interviewed quite a few entrepreneurs about scaling their business and how they get clients and all of that good stuff, and so just wanted to ask you to how do you go about getting clients on a continuous basis? And you know continually growing the business?

JANICE CAMPBELL: Iā€™ve started, stopping my business over the years, raising my kids and so now Iā€™m back full time. Everybody’s gone just left last year, I started again because like I say start and stop but I always believe in starting right where you are and going smaller to go bigger again. I started teaching at our church and then had a class and then it just grows because it’s the thing where I think when people start receiving their life, they want other people to receive their life, like they’ve gotten relief and it’s an easy thing to share. So my business always comes from word of mouth.

Iā€™m going to start doing the podcasts. This is my first podcast, thank you. I had a radio show for five years but that was many years ago. So this is fun to get back into the podcast and so that’s how I plan on continuing to market, is just having conversations. My business has always grown by word of mouth from my clients, and my students.

KEISHA BLAIR: That’s amazing and of course if you’re a Minimalist too I suspect that in terms of your marketing and your client acquisition, that you’re probably are not too big on spending a lot to get those clients through the door and a lot on marketing and advertising and that kind of thing?

JANICE CAMPBELL: Yes, I hardly ever spend money on marketing. I mean not because Iā€™m trying not to, it’s just again you lead with the gift, you lead with the essence, and the money follows, but when we get it back we’re sometimes like oh Iā€™m going to throw a whole bunch of money at this but Iā€™m going to withhold myself and Iā€™m not really going to bring myself forward and yet that’s what people resonate with, that’s the connection. I think the reason why I love minimalism, is I feel close to God, so it’s like I don’t want a whole bunch of stuff in my way. So it’s even like you know, I go on my daily walks and I do a lot of marketing that way. It’s like listening, what’s the next inspired step? What’s the next inspired step? So trying not to plan too far ahead, but just really feeling that guidance and that intuition and trusting that okay that’s the next thing. I just finished writing a quote book. It’s been on hold for a while and then all of a sudden now

KEISHA BLAIR: That is definitely one of the strengths of the Minimalist, is that they don’t have all these things and distractions around them, so they can get really centered, and as you mentioned, listening to your intuition and all of that which is such good stuff. I have a whole chapter in my book Holistic Wealth on Intuition and it’s everything right?

JANICE CAMPBELL: Exactly I think it’s everything. Otherwise we’re running in circles. That’s when we get in what I call it the ā€œcompromising treadmillā€ our compromising patterns but we’re running around and yet we’re not ā€œhomeā€. We’re not listening, so we could do so much activity and spend so much money, and still kind of be missing the mark, not really sharing the gift that’s going to result in the prosperity. Even if we make a lot of money a lot of times were like, oh Iā€™m so exhausted so then we start shrinking our business, or because we need some freedom and space and room and balance. We always have to kind of bring ourselves back into balance. The more we live from that bounds and we could leverage our power.

KEISHA BLAIR: Yes absolutely. So Janice where can the audience find you in terms of your website and social media?

JANICE CAMBPELL: They can find me at http://www.receiveyourlife.comand every month I offer a free one-hour introduction class so people could always sign up for that. Come and join us and learn about the system. Learn about the philosophy have plenty of time for questions and answers and then from there people go into a one-month basics course and then a two-month advance course. I also send a weekly inspirational email so people could go to my website and sign up there and then also my email: [email protected] if anyone has any questions or wants information.

KEISHA BLAIR: Okay perfect and Janice thank you so much for sharing with us on the show today. It was amazing having you. Iā€™m sure the audience have some amazing tips and strategies and lots of things to think about after youā€™ve shared your wisdom with us.

JANICE CAMPBELL: Thank you so much. You’re welcome. I just want to say I really loved reading your book Holistic Wealth. I really enjoyed it. I read it last weekend. It was really fun. It brought back to me too just from reminding me of self-care. There was something so nurturing about it, that just felt so good like that whole thing about ā€œcoming home to ourselvesā€. I just love that!

KEISHA BLAIR: yes absolutely! Iā€™m glad I had a chance to get to know and thanks for reading the book. It’s so good to hear feedback. So thank you so much for sharing that.

JANICE CAMPBELL: I just wanted to say about the Chapter in your book Holistic Wealth on ā€œSpiritual Self Renewalā€, really aligns with the receiving your life, really releasing the ā€œcompromising selfā€ for the ā€œtrue selfā€. I talk about receiving our life but spiritual self renewal is another way to say it, really coming into that coming back into the flow of our life.

KEISHA BLAIR: Yes, that’s amazing and that’s one of my favorite chapters in the book, and it’s so funny because up to yesterday I sat down just rehearsing lines from the book in my head. Sometimes that’s what I do when I need to bring myself back into this alignment because there’s so many distractions around us and especially COVID-19. I find myself rehearsing different lines in my head just repeating them like verses and it’s mostly from that chapter too in Holistic Wealth, that’s it’s one of my favorite Chapters in the book, which is why I was happy to also have you on the show.

JANICE CAMPBELL: Well I think it’s like you say we all have to find our way back into the flow. The thing about receiving your life which makes it different from other systems, its so personalized to each person because you’re working with your push-pulls when you’re saying, I love it, I read those quotes I read that chapter that feeds me that brings me back into the flow. It’s so important for each person to know like that’s how I feel with my walks that brings me back into the flow. Everyone has to know for themselves what’s going to bring them back.

KEISHA BLAIR: I absolutely agree. I love my walks too. I absolutely cherish them because it brings me back and I get this inspiration and I get my next steps. I feel like I get my marching orders.

JANICE CAMPBELL: Yes that’s how I feel. It’s like the world quiets everything down. The water calms us down and then we could hear.

KEISHA BLAIR: Yes exactly absolutely. I do love that and there’s so much that you said that resonated with me today and so Iā€™m so grateful.

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